Image of Cortis Road

Site Location & Context

A site at Cortis Road towards the north of the Ashburton South Estate provides a potential development opportunity.

The site is currently a large area of pavement along the southern edge of Cortis Road. The Ashmead Care Home is across Cortis Road to the north of the site. There is a substation on the site and a north-south access road on the western side connects Cortis Road to Tildesley Road. There are also cycle stores.

This plan shows the site boundaries of the emerging development proposals for the site at Cortis Road

Existing Site Photographs

To show the current uses on the site and in the surrounding area, we have included a series of photographs from within and around the site below.

Our Detailed Proposals for Cortis Road

Indicative 3D aerial view of the proposals for the sites at Cortis Road
Indicative 3D aerial view of the proposals for the sites at Cortis Road
Cortis Road Illustrative Landscape Layout

All figures, diagrams, images, and plans shown are not final and are subject to change as the design process progresses.

The detailed proposals for the site at Cortis Road would involve demolishing the existing cycle stores and substation to deliver seven high-quality homes with enhanced outdoor spaces across the site and a new play area.

Cortis Road Proposed Site Plan

Cortis Road, Proposed Site Plan and Accommodation

Cortis Road, View 1

Cortis Road, View 1

Cortis Road, View 2

Cortis Road, View 2

Cortis Road, View 3

Cortis Road, View 3

Cortis Road, North Elevation

Cortis Road, North Elevation

Cortis Road, East Elevation

Cortis Road, East Elevation

Cortis Road, West Elevation

Cortis Road, West Elevation

Please view our September Exhibition Banners and Boards in the Downloads section for more information.

Have Your Say

Thank you for taking the time to visit our consultation website to learn more about the detailed proposals for five sites within the Ashburton South Estate as part of the Homes for Wandsworth programme.

Over the past few months, the team has been hard at work developing the detailed proposals for the sites and we presented them on 15 September 2023 at our second public exhibition. If you couldn’t attend or would like to view the materials again, they are available in the Downloads section.

The comment period on our details proposals has now closed.

After the planning applications are submitted later this year, you will have the opportunity to comment on the proposals through Wandsworth Council’s (as the local planning authority) planning portal. This website will be updated with the planning applications’ reference numbers after they have been submitted and validated. We will also email the project update contact list with the same details, so please make sure to register for project updates if you would like to stay up to date.


November 2022 Exhibition FlyerView/Download

November 2022 Feedback FormView/Download

November 2022 Exhibition BannersView/Download

April 2023 Exhibition FlyerView/Download

April 2023 Feedback FormView/Download

April 2023 Exhibition BannersView/Download

May 2023 Webinar RecordingView/Download

August 2023 Community NewsletterView/Download

Feedback ReportView/Download

Cortis Road - Contaminated Land AssessmentView/Download

Cortis Road - Drainage/CTV SurveyView/Download

Cortis Road - Ecology (PEA) AssessmentsView/Download

Cortis Road - Noise Impact AssessmentView/Download

Cortis Road - Tree SurveyView/Download

Cortis Road - Tree ScheduleView/Download

Cortis Road - Topographical SurveysView/Download

Parking SurveyView/Download

Daylight and Sunlight AssessmentView/Download

September 2023 Exhibition BannersView/Download

September 2023 Central Play Areas BoardView/Download

September 2023 Play Areas BoardView/Download

September 2023 Play Areas BoardView/Download

September 2023 Comments CardView/Download

Contact Us

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website today. Should you require any of the information from this website in another format or hard copy please do get in touch with us on the details below.

By Phone (open from 9.30am to 5pm)

0207 446 6869

By Post

Ashburton South Community Engagement Team
c/o Stantec
7 Soho Square